MLS Tours: Carson City

SNR Carson City Office 300 Curry St. #3, Carson City, NV

March 27th, 9:00am Tour is Back! Meet at SNR Carson City Office, tour flyer Tour Coordinator Flyer, click here

MLS Tours: Douglas

First American Title 1663 Hwy 395 #101, Minden, Nevada

March 28th, 9:00am Tour is Back! Meet at First American Title in Minden, tour flyer Tour Coordinator Flyer, click here

MLS Tours: Dayton

Greater Nevada Credit Union 555 Hwy 50, Dayton, Nevada

March 29th, 9:00am Tour is Back! Meet at Greater Nevada Credit Union in Dayton, tour flyer Tour Coordinator Flyer, click here

Broker Breakfast: Reno Offices

SNR Reno Office 5650 Riggins Court, Reno, NV, United States

Brokers Breakfast at Reno SNR Offices This broker only event is the perfect opportunity to meet with the CEO and Executive Team for the Board of Directors RSVP today, limited seating email [email protected]

MLS Tours: Sparks

Bully's Sports Bar 2898 Vista Blvd., Sparks, NV, United States

June 10th @ 1pm Meet at Bullys Sports Bar in Sparks Contact Tour Coordinator Here

MLS Tours: West Reno

Walden's Coffeehouse 3940 Mayberry Dr., Reno, NV, United States

June 11th @ 10am Meet at Walden's Coffeehouse Contact Tour Coordinator Here

MLS Tours: South Reno

Hub Coffee Roasters 15425 Wedge Pkwy #120, Reno, NV, United States

June 11th @ 1pm Meet at Hub Coffee Roasters Contact Tour Coordinator Here

MLS Tours: Carson City

SNR Carson City Office 300 Curry St. #3, Carson City, NV

June 12th @ 9am Meet at SNR Carson Office Contact Tour Coordinator Here

MLS Tours: Douglas

First American Title 1663 Hwy 395 #101, Minden, Nevada

June 13th @ 9am Meet at First American Title in Minden Contact Tour Coordinator Here

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