Earn 3hrs General CE Credit on:
November 21st: 9:00am-12:00pm
• Appraisals
How is VA different than other products? Tidewater & Reconsideration of Value
• Underwriting
Are VA loans harder to get through Underwriting?
• Zero Down = Weak Buyer
Is the Veteran buyer a strong buyer?
• Seller-Paid Fees
Does the seller have to pay for fees?
• Seller Concessions
How are VA Seller Concessions different than other loans?
• Who is Eligible for a VA Loan
Can multiple borrowers be on a VA Loan? Married or un-married?
• Retaining Current Home/Purchase New Home with Eligibility
What is the process? How many homes/how much?
• Assumptions
What’s best for the Seller? What is the process? Can you swap Eligibilities?
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